Loyalty Program | Since 1969 | Free Initial Consultation
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Since 1969
Free Initial Consultation
Hours: Closed Opens 8:00 am
Have an hair removal related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give a call to the staff at ECL Wellness Center - Electrolysis Clinic & Laser today for more information!
Hair can be removed from almost any part of the body. Some common areas for women include the hairline, eyebrows, top of the nose, cheeks, sideburn area, upper and lower lip, chin, throat, neck, shoulders, back, chest, breasts, abdomen, arms, legs, bikini line, hands, feet, toes and fingers. Hair on the eyelashes, inside the nose and inside the ear canal is only treated under the supervision of a physician. Hairy moles may be treated with written permission from a physician. It is perfectly safe to treat pregnant women, but the breasts and abdomen are avoided after the sixth month of pregnancy.
Men often have hair removed from the hairline, beard line, shoulders, back, neck, chest, ears and nose. Electrolysis is very helpful for treating ingrown hairs, which frequently cause irritation in the beard area. The eyes are the only area not able to be treated by laser.
Get in touch with ECL Wellness Center - Electrolysis Clinic & Laser today for a hassle-free hair removal experience. FREE consultations are available.
Electrolysis also improves your physical appearance and self-image, lessens anxiety caused by unwanted hair and helps you feel more attractive and socially acceptable. It is a choice that will enhance your own natural beauty and self-confidence.
Lastly, electrolysis has been proven safe and effective over many years of use and is recognized by physicians and the American Medical Association. You can be confident that permanent hair removal will change your life in a positive and lasting way.
Because we want you to feel comfortable with your decision, we offer FREE, NO obligation consultations to educate you on the best options for you. Then, jointly we can create a plan of treatment that is best suited for your skin type.
For electrolysis and laser we like you to come in for both the consultation and treatments with 1-2 days of growth. It is O.K. to shave between both treatments – just please do not PLUCK, TWEEZE or WAX.
Electrolysis can be performed on most moles where licensing regulations allow it. Your electrologist may require written approval from your physician.
There are many factors that might influence your choice of an electrologist. Many people ask their physician for a referral. Others rely on the recommendations of a friend. Many consult the telephone directory under "Electrolysis" or "Permanent Hair Removal" to find the electrologists in their area. To be assured of quality service, determine if your electrologist is licensed (where required by law), nationally certified, a member of the state and / or national professional associations and a participant in continuing education. In the final analysis, decide if you feel comfortable and confident with the electrologist you have chosen since electrolysis requires a series of treatments over a period of time.
Electrolysis requires a series of treatments given over a period of time. The length of time varies from person to person and is dependent on many factors. The density and coarseness of the hair, as well as the total area to be treated, are very important. How well you tolerate treatments and the consistency of the treatments affect the overall success.
The cause of the unwanted hair and the temporary methods of dealing with the hair in the past also affect the treatment time. Many hairs will be permanently removed after the first treatment, while some will require additional treatments to achieve permanency. Treatments will be more frequent in the beginning and less frequent later on. The overall result – permanently hair-free skin – is usually well worth the time spent.
Laser treatments are FDA approved for permanent reduction of hair and usually require 6-9 sessions for each area worked on.
Overall, electrolysis cost compares very favorably to other hair removal methods, including laser hair removal. When considering the long-term, recurring treatments required with other methods, electrolysis is a good investment.
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We also offer "Preferred Pricing" for laser packages. After your first set of treatments, your treatments will be up to 50% discounted.
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